Values and ethics in vocational teacher’s actions
Date: 8.10.2018
Values and ethics in
vocational teacher’s actions
- Planning
- Assessment and Feedback
- Teaching and guiding methods
- Special need in Education
- Legal issues
- Intercultural and international issues
Why are we here? For the
students! This means that they matter, and we as teachers should work to
support them in their learning process. The student of today may become the
teacher of tomorrow.
The Comenius’ oath
that has been introduced recently, outlines the principles and highlights the
value of the work that the vocational teacher does.
The Comenius’ oath can be viewed from the OAJ –
Trade Union of Education website:
The values that lie
behind the teacher’s professional ethics are human worth (Understand that
everyone is unique and represent an individual), truthfulness (honesty towards
the learners and oneself), fairness (for e.g. being fair in assessment and
feedback), rights and responsibilities (responsible to respect the relevant legislation
of the institution and curriculum) (Trade Union of Education, 2018).
According to the Trade
Union of Education (2018), the teacher ethical principles are as follows: The teacher
relationship to his/her work, the teacher and learner, the working community,
teachers and other interest groups, teachers and society, teachers in a
pluralistic world.
My thoughts and
opinions on values and ethics in vocational teacher’s actions in respect to
teaching and guiding method.
I have a feeling and in my opinion the teaching and guiding method of the teacher is less dependent
on the empirical evidence on how best a teaching method would suit for a
specific class, but more on the available resources that the institution can
provide to the teacher. For example, if the teacher believed that the students’
group (n = 30) should be divided into smaller groups (n = 5), for greater
support and attention to each individual, and the institution cannot provide
this amount of resources. The teacher then decides to offer his own time to the
students (which he does not get paid for extra) – where is the values and
ethics in it? What about suffering from a burnout?
Here is links for some
educational issues that Finland is facing in terms of Values and ethics:
In the second part of
my blog I would like to mention some words about bullying at school. What the Values and ethics in vocational teacher’s
actions towards bullying? Finally, in
terms of intercultural matters, the teacher should be intercultural competent if
teaching is organised to an international group.
Here is a link of a video
on intercultural competence:
Trade Union of
Education (2018). Opetusalan Ammattijärestö – OAJ. Retrieved from:
on 8.10.2018
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