Implementation 1 & 2: Focus on virtual/online teaching - Focus on classroom/frontal teaching

Implementation 1: Focus on virtual/online teaching

Date: Tue 18.9.2019

Task for each group:

1. How can present Virtual Environments be made versatile and activating?

2. Safety in Virtual environments. (Safety, copyrights, equality, network, bullying, others, laws) Consider from the viewpoint of the student and the teacher.

3. What traditional teaching methods work with Virtual Environments? What don't? What features are better in Virtual Environments (compared to frontal teaching - and why are they better)?

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) can be activating by allowing students to reflect on their learning. It is one of the learning methods which can be done anytime and anywhere by using technology and internet network. Some of traditional teaching methods can be used also in VLE as VLE can be integrated with more classic teaching methods. The participants need to have basic knowledge of technology. Not all distant learning is via internet as there were the old correspondence courses such as weekly. VLE therefore means borderless and limitless learning. VLE can be a second nature to learners such as opening up communication, resource hub, producing work and teachers have infinite storage space for files and documents. However, VLE has some disadvantages like some limitations online, discomfort with technology, getting lost in materials and dwindling attention spans. VLE are made versatile by using GIF images, adding case studies with Q&A and avoid overflow of information. VLE can also be made activating by using items such as checklist, use polls, emphasize on interactions like quiz and encourage active reading.

Online safety: Be careful about the potentially harmful things on the internet. To understand the privacy and security when using online websites.
To protect password:
1. If biometrics is an option, take it.
2. Different accounts need different passwords.
3. Consider a password manager.
4. Do not pick a weak password.
5. Use multi-factor authentication

Teaching method is a technique to make students learn. Several methods must be used to create stimulating rhythm and to best achieve learning goals. Traditional ways of teaching is done in classroom and modern teaching can be done by VLE. Modern teaching focus more on student's individual needs. Some types of teaching methods are:
> Group work
> Gaming
> Teaching Walk
> Written assignments
> Field trips
> Role playing

The Mind-map created was difficult to be read, even the presenter asked his member to read as front size is too small to read. Making use of Wikipedia as a source to define online safety is not reliable. Some groups use very simple slides that is not attractive especially when the content is interesting. When two members in a group are talking at the same time, then it becomes difficult to understand. Using images to discuss important part of the topic helps in engaging the audience. Some groups use very simple slides which do not seem attractive to the audience to read. The presenter needs to ensure that the diagrams and texts they are using are easily readable for the audience. Using complex diagrams do not engage the audience. Use of padlet was actively done.

Implementation 2: Focus on classroom/ frontal teaching 

Date: Tue 25.9.2018

Task for each group:

1. What are group (or team) dynamics and what collaborative methods or practises can be used in teaching? 

2. How can the vocational classroom teaching methods promote individual learning process and personalised learning paths? 

3. How does the vocational teacher tutor and guide groups (teams)? How does the vocational teacher tutor and guide individuals?

In this lesson, I discuss on group dynamics, the individual learning process and ways in which the teacher can support the individual. The actual part that our group had was the first part, that is group/team dynamics.

Before actually starting to build our teaching session, we had couple of online meeting on Skype. These meetings are helpful because they help us first have a common understanding of what the problem is, and how we can solve it in team - in this part of the blog, when i mention about problem, is basically the group work that we had. First, we discuss the possible solutions and feasible end product that we can produce. This is important in my opinion, as this is where we as a team can discuss how large and deep the work should be and what kind of measures should be taken. At a concrete level, we try to divide the work into smaller segments and thus try to make it simpler.

The data mining....

To find information on the topic, we choose to find evidence-based methods that support team dynamics. The pedagogical part of it was to create a Prezi this time, and in my opinion it was quite complex to create this as well as the socrative questions. Most of the information that we needed were online and were in the form of peer-reviewed published articles in English language.

The online session....(my reflections)

In this part, i would concentrate more on me as a listener or "student" to the part 3, which is how the vocational teacher helps to support or can support & guide groups and the individuals.

The team presented this part of the work satisfactorily, but more could be done. The slides were very simple and did not in my opinion go deep into the subject matter. Firstly, one important aspect that they should have is to start by saying or writing what is the content of their slides and how far they discuss this. Also, the term teacher and tutor has been used alternatively. One important part is missing to some extent and this is the role of the student counsellor and curator for the support and guidance of the students at individual and group levels. Also, in some universities there is also a health coordinator which guides the students at individual and group level.

I have included some links below:


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