
Showing posts from October, 2018

EduSci: Part 1 & 2

Part 1 THEORY 1 Jean Piaget theory of cognitive development Jean Piaget theory of cognitive development is about the nature and the development of human intelligence. Piaget’s theory comprises of 4 stages and they are: Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational. According to this theory, from birth to about 2 years of age, humans perceive the world through the senses (seeing, hearing, touching and smelling, grasping).  From the age of two years and older till 7 years, humans are more intuitive and represent things with words and images. Logical reasoning is absent. From the age of 7 to 11, logical thinking starts, and the development of mathematical skills evolves. After the age of 12, humans are able to reason abstractly. Photo by  Samantha Sophia  on  Unsplash In this picture, the child is about to grab something thrown in the air: 1. The child is looking up, instinctively as the object that she wants to grasp is up. 2. The h

Values and ethics in vocational teacher’s actions

Date: 8.10.2018 Values and ethics in vocational teacher’s actions Planning   Assessment and Feedback   Teaching and guiding methods Special need in Education Legal issues   Intercultural and international issues Why are we here? For the students! This means that they matter, and we as teachers should work to support them in their learning process. The student of today may become the teacher of tomorrow. The Comenius’ oath that has been introduced recently, outlines the principles and highlights the value of the work that the vocational teacher does. The Comenius’ oath can be viewed from the OAJ – Trade Union of Education website: The values that lie behind the teacher’s professional ethics are human worth (Understand that everyone is unique and represent an individual), truthfulness (honesty towards the learners and oneself), fairness (for e.g. being fair in assessment and feedback), rights and responsi

Assessment and feedback

Date: Wed 2.10.2018 1. What are the goals and intended outcomes of assessment and feedback in vocational education? 2. What is the difference of assessing competence and assessing the learning process? 3. What are the most common assessment methods, how do they work and differ from each other? HOMEWORK 1. Comment at least three other student’s blogs. (Write a comment, assess, add feedback — be real but not offensive!) 2. Use at least one written source in your blog. Also mention that source! (1) My reflection: Is it important to assess students? Do we assess students in one particular field with a specific assessment tool? Is it right? The word assessment can be define in several ways. Assessment can be used to give a grade to the student, this will represent the student competence level at that point in time when the assessment was made. Now, do we need to assess students from grade 1 to 5 or by giving marks for example from 1 to 100. Are we actually segregating students