Teacher Training (10 ECTS) + Safety of School Module (2 ECTS)


The teacher training forms part of the pedagogical competence part. 

Day 1: Teaching introduction of culture and documented the safety guidance (Part 2)





Cross Cultural Communication and Negotiation (CCN)

Day 1
Min. 1-15: 
Introduction of myself, the students and the course
Teacher writes each student name to give certificate of attendance at the end of the course CCN

Min. 15-30:
Starting point of culture

Min. 30-45:
Communication in Culture

Min. 45-60:
Watch video on business culture and discussion with students.
Break of 5 mins

Min. 60-75:
Explain Group task that will be performed on Day 4-5 (with the help of a video).

Min. 75-90:
Form the group

Day 2
Min. 1-15: 
Recap of Day 1

Min. 15-30:
Power-point presentation of different business cultures and communication styles
Any student that has questions will be answered

Min. 30-45:
Explain Geert Hofstede theory and Hall Theory

Min. 45-60:
Briefly talking about negotiation in business culture
Break of 5 mins

Min. 60-75:
Watch video on communication styles and negotiation and discussion with students.

Min. 75-90:
Prezi presentation on Cross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation – a Finnish Company Case
Any students with questions to be answered.

My Analysis and Reflection on my teaching:
  1. Students react quickly on images than on words.
  2. When there is a game picture, students are more active in understanding how the game relates to the topic, such as football playground activate the students with questions.
  3. Students were very shy with me and were more comfortable to talk with the assessed teacher, Mr Parwanee.
  4. Students mind were mostly drawn in my gestures and looking at my laptop that was doing my video.
  5. Some students that were from Madagascar. they wanted most explanation in French than English. In some cases, i has to translate in French for them.
  6. My confidence in teaching was more strong than on the first day.

My thoughts on what to change:
  • The classroom was quite old-fashioned and outside noises were disturbing.
  • The institute was in very good location, in main road where everything is easily accessible. However, the classes are on third floor without any lift and the classes are not well indicated.
  • Students attending the course are more active on first day; i felt that they are attending the course just to get the certificate of attendance.
  • Reception has 2 ladies. They are helpful but it would be great to have an IT person who take charge of all IT problems.

Guiding teacher's comments:

Tentatively, the topic was analysed deeply on different cultures. Concrete examples on the Mauritian and Finnish culture were given where students could get a good knowledge about cultures in the different countries. PowerPoint approach was really helpful to highlight the different features of culture. However, the teaching exercise was quite fast in certain instances and some of the students could not keep pace with the speed of the teacher. The topic was quite complexed for the students at this stage.

Day 3
Min. 1-15:
Brief recap of Day 1 & Day 2

Min. 15-30:
Negotiation Presentation

Min. 30-45:
Negotiation Presentation continues

Min. 45-60:
Quiz on negotiation
Break of 5 mins

Min. 60-75:
Assess the students through the quiz

Min. 75-90:
Small task on culture

Day 4
Min. 1-15: 
Summarise the topic studies in Day 2 & 3
Intercultural encounters

Min. 15-30:
Prezi presentation - applying what you have learned in real cases

Min. 30-45:
Quiz on Culture and Negotiation 

Min. 45-60:
Video on role play on Negotiation
Break of 5 mins

Min. 60-75:
Tips to Negotiate - video

Min. 75-90:
Group task 1 -  case of buying car.

My Analysis and Reflection on my teaching:
  1. When explaining about intercultural encounters, students wanted me to provide many examples. I believe students understand concepts better through more examples although each concept was explained with example.
  2. Students were quite tensed when they got some incorrect answers about the quiz.
  3. They were eager to get the certificate of the quiz and asked me at the end of the class where they can get the certificate.
  4. It was shocking that many students were not aware of Prezi presentation and Powkoon. The competence on networking still have to be developed as they only know powerpoint.
  5. For some students, the topic was quite hard especially for the Madagascar students who are not so comfortable with English. Nepalese students were more active compared to Bangladesh and African students. At some points, students were in a hurry to go home and some started to leave during the group task.
  6. I have now become very familiar with the students and the environment and hence i have become very confident in teaching the topic.

My thoughts on what to change:
  • The institute has to provide better internet access as the wifi was so weak that i could not use the internet.
  • The institute has to provide a better projector and more lights in the class.
  • The assessed teacher was intervening my teaching many times and started with some discussions.
  • Many students were not keen to participate on the forth day. This make me realise that i needed to activate the class by having more class task where they can move from their place and talk to other students.
  • The group task did not go as expected as many students were absent. We had to make the group task as class task for everyone in class to participate.

Guiding teacher's comments:

The exposé on cultural differences was really impressive with good examples on the Russian and Finns economy with comparative analysis. The approach with task orientation created good opportunities for students participation with some quiz-oriented questions which they answered satisfactory. However, the lesson could have been made more interesting with the in-depth analysis of certain aspects of cross-cultural communication and organisational culture. Certain concrete examples about cultural differences could have enriched the lesson.

Day 5:
Min. 1-15:
Last class - summarising everything

Min. 15-30:
Handy's Model of Organisational Culture - video
Summarise aims of group task and students question to be answered

Min. 30-45:
Explain the use of Hofstede cultural dimensions online.
Final class task about different cultures; France v/s India

Min. 45-60:
Cultural differences: EU v/s Asia video
Break of 5 mins

Min. 60-75:
Final important points when negotiate.
Students discussed about their findings on group task "Bicycle" and "Washing Machine"

Min- 75-90:
Teacher gives group feedback
Anonymous feedback from students

My Analysis and Reflection on my teaching:
  1. When summarising everything, many students feel to be lost, maybe because of their lack of attention in the class.
  2. The assessed teacher told me that i was fast and even the videos i showed them was quite fast. I believe that i was going in normal pace and even the videos were normal pace. Maybe, i had to teach something easier. 
  3. The assessed teacher had more questions than the students and he was very interested in the topic.
  4. Less students came on the last day. Once the class was over, students were in a hurry to take their certificate of attendance and rush home.
  5. Students were aware that i am a visiting lecturer and they filled the feedback form with all good things. Maybe, they hesitated to mention any bad thing in case i get to know who wrote bad.
  6. My confidence of teaching is very high at this level and i am more comfortable with the class and i believe i can teach them for another weeks or months. 
  7. I feel happy to teach students and share the knowledge i have acquired in this topic.

My thoughts on what to change:
  • I need to find other ways to motivate students to participate.
  • I had to consider students who are not comfortable with English and provide learning materials in French also as i had to translate the feedback form in French for some students.
  • The competence in networking still needs to be developed at Sagittarius. It would have been advantageous if students had their laptop with them so that i could do some online task with them. Mauritius still needs to improve in its IT sector especially universities. There should be computer labs at Sagittarius which could ease this teaching.

Guiding teacher's comments:

The teacher delivered very well on cross-cultural communication and negotiation making use of Handy's Model where the concepts of power, role, task and person were discussed solely explaining the links with leadership styles and delegation. The class was very lively with students participation and the task was also assigned to students who responded very well. Interactive learning devices such as video clips and photos, visuals and problem-solving approach (graphs, charts and pictures) which could vividly explained things to the pupils. However, students asked for some time to jot-down certain points and wanted further clarification on certain concepts, such as break bread together.

After the class was over, students were provided with a certificate of attendance.


1. Students reaction on first day till last day

2. Performance pressure for class task and group task

3. Students eagerness to obtain a certificate of attendance

4. Students communication and how vibrant they are

5. Volunteer students to express their feelings on culture and share their personal experiences

6. Creativity of students through class and group task

7. Students reaction on watching videos

8. Students exposure to different learning platform

9. Students reaction on being assessed through quiz

10. Students feedback about this course


The Feedback form was of 3 pages. Almost all students in the last day of the class completed the feedback form. The relationship building part A is mostly positive as i was cracking jokes and having a friendly attitude towards the students. However, in part B, many find the content difficult to understand which i believe the content was quite high for them. The last part of establishing a procedure, many wrote positive about it apart from 3 students who did not complete this part. Overall, the feedback was a positive one apart from the topic chosen was not at their level.





There was only fire extinguisher in the main entrance of the institute and in the reception office. As the building was old-fashioned, the safety equipment were missing to a large extent. The classrooms have no fire extinguisher or exit sign. Exit sign was only found in the main entrance of the institute and in administration office. While during my training period, the learning environment was safe as to the national standards of Mauritius there are some aspects that can be further developed and improve. As I have observed and noticed the teaching premises included adequate fencing and the adjacent areas were monitored using cameras. 

In this part of the blog I discuss more on other safety features that often goes unnoticed and are difficult to monitor. Further such problems are indeed existent in institutions providing education in Mauritius. The article below is an example of the extent to which bullying is present in Mauritius:

In Mauritius, bullying, cyber-bullying and indiscipline are often put under the same umbrella to describe this phenomenon. Most often, teachers are not acquainted and prepared to explore the process of bullying at school or other teaching places. The Mauritius Research Council published a report on Discipline and indiscipline and violence in secondary schools in 2006. Among the main topics that the report has published, the conceptual framework that discussed the pedagogical aspect, teacher-student relationship and psychological aspect of adolescence were important topics. Further, the report also published ways in which the teacher together with the institution can help alleviate and prevent bullying, network bullying and making the environment equal and accessible to everyone. Some of the aspects that were discussed and have been implemented in Mauritius include: making a regular audit of safety and security in schools, introducing citizen education programme at school, training of teachers and organisation of workshops.

The next report on Discipline and indiscipline and violence in secondary schools is yet to be published in 2020 and it will perhaps present findings on whether the recommendations of the previous report were effective. As a teacher I believe that the teacher can prevent bullying through these following steps:
Talking, use of celebrity cars, monitor online and offline activity, engage with parents, build a positive climate and help restore the self-respect of victims.

The Discipline and indiscipline and violence in secondary schools in 2006 report can be accessed online through: https://www.repository.mu/mrc/op/op.DownloadFromOutside.php?documentid=751&version=1


At the university main entrance, there is a security department office which controls all vehicles and people that enter the university. They also control the fire extinguisher equipment.

The university sign is in the front where all building details are mentioned.

In case of a fire, the assembly point is in the playground next to the security department office.


There is a fire detector in the security office and some machines which inform the security of any danger in the university.

The building is well protected with exit sign, fire extinguisher in every floor and every building.


The classes are also equipped with fire alarm and machine indicating the room temperature and fire extinguisher.

The head of the security department guided me to make a round of the whole university and explained me how strict they are for their students protection. The university is newly-built which therefore has included all required securities for students and teachers' safety as there are close campuses where students stay during their studies. In case of any problem with students, the security department informed the police who would come in less than 15 mins. The university has a counsellor who often communicate with the students in order to encourage students to come and share their problems. Fire drill is often performed to assess the safety of people at the university. Each visitor is given a Visitor Badge by the security to put around the neck and the visitor's name is mentioned in the security book.

Precaution signs are well indicated around the universities such as near the stairs there are caution signs, first aid equipment and non-smoking signs. In each building, emergency numbers are indicated.


Fire Hose Reel is also found in many places of the building. ALU is well-conscious about having the fire hose as a security measure for its students especially because students stay near the university.


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