International and Multicultural Competence

International and Multicultural Competence

1. Dominators: Design and deliver an interactive learning situation where you demonstrate your understanding of the most important multicultural competences.

2. EduWarriors: What are some of the theories covering the areas multicultural communication, learning and interaction? What are their pros and cons in view of applying them to teaching?

3. Paw Patrol: What are the main features of the internationalisation strategies and practices in vocational education and vocational higher education and how would you take them into account in planning and implementing your teaching?2. EduWarriors: What are some of the theories covering the areas multicultural communication, learning and interaction? What are their pros and cons in view of applying them to teaching?


“Multicultural competency is defined as the knowledge, skills and personal attributes needed to live and work in a diverse world” - Kansas state university 

“Cultural competency is the ability to understand another culture well enough to be able to communicate and work with people from that culture.” - Paul Kivel

Decision categories according to McKinsey

National Cultural Dimensions

(Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J. & Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind (Rev. 3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.)

Intercultural competence Quiz Link


Understanding that this topic is very important and delicate when having exposure in international learning environment. Different cultures understand signs in different meanings. Being well educated on other cultures and respecting them aid in making multicultural communication more interesting. The three main international strategies are:
1. Multi-domestic,
2. Global
3. Transnational


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