Competence in Working Life and Networks

Competence in Working Life and Networks

1. Group EduWarriors:
Social media in (business /work) networking? Pros and Cons. (FB, Insta, Twitter, Snatchat…)
Give examples.

2. Group Paw Patrol:
What are the absolute musts in networking for a (vocational) teacher? Give examples and reasons and benefits.
For those with a theoretical bent: 

3. Group Dominator: 
Outline some theoretical background for (social) networking. Some buzz words and catch phrases:
> Social network theory
> Network analysis
> Human biology & behaviour


Social network theory views social relationships in terms of nodes and ties. Three theoretical approaches : 

· Two-step flow of communication hypothesis (Liu et al. 2017, p.4)
· The theory of weak ties (Liu et al. 2017, p.5)

· Diffusion of innovations (Liu et al. 2017, p.8)


Network analysis can be based on e.g. sociometry. Sociometry is the study of positive and negative relations, such as liking/disliking and friends/enemies among a set of people.
Key elements of social network analyses:
•Actors (discrete social entities such as individuals or collectives)
•Relational ties (social ties such as resource-transfers, behavioral interaction)
•Dyads (tie between two actors)
•Triads (subgroup of three actors and their possible ties)

If actor Lisa „likes“ Tom, and Tom „likes“ Charlie, then Lisa also „likes“ Charlie 

If actor Lisa and Tom like each other, they should be similar in their evaluation of Charlie 
If actor Lisa and Tom dislike each other, they should evaluate Charlie differently


What does it do to your brain when you share a picture and everyone you know likes it? It feel great, right! Your brain releases dopamine and you feel satisfaction. And what does it do when nobody likes it? You feel like deleting it because you have failed! That is, if your intention is to boost your ego with the new picture. Social media has had some unexpected results on human behavior, and the desire for attention and approval works straight into the hands of social media.

“The stress response begins with elevating blood pressure to move blood and oxygen to the large limbs in preparation for the eventuality of fight-or-flight. Then glucose is released into the bloodstream for quick energy, followed by other processes.The stress response is a good thing if preparing for fight-or-flight when one is reacting to actual threats because they are rare, and thereby do not over-tax the physiological mechanisms”. - Psychology Today

“Teens take other steps to shape their reputation, manage their networks, and mask information they don’t want others to know; 74% of teen social media users have deleted people from their network or friends list.”


Liu, W., Sidhu, A.,Beacom, A.M. & Valente, T.W. 2017. Social Network Theory. Univeristy of Southern California, USA.

Sure-Vetter Y. (2013). Social Network Analysis; Lecture: Social Web and Bibliometrics;; retrieved 3 December 2018 

Wasserman, S., & Faust, K. (1994). Social network analysis: Methods and applications (Vol. 8). Cambridge university press.


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