
Showing posts from November, 2018

International and Multicultural Competence

International and Multicultural Competence 1. Dominators: Design and deliver an interactive learning situation where you demonstrate your understanding of the most important multicultural competences. 2.  EduWarriors: What are some of the theories covering the areas multicultural communication, learning and interaction? What are their pros and cons in view of applying them to teaching? 3. Paw Patrol: What are the main features of the internationalisation strategies and practices in vocational education and vocational higher education and how would you take them into account in planning and implementing your teaching?2. EduWarriors: What are some of the theories covering the areas multicultural communication, learning and interaction? What are their pros and cons in view of applying them to teaching? (Source: “Multicultural competency is defined as the knowledge, skills and personal attri

Individual work - International and Multicultural Competence

International and Multicultural Competence Individual work: Write about your international/multicultural experiences to your blog. What have you learned (educational impact & work related findings). Also consider what is “internationalism” and what is “multiculturalism”? How do they differ? Although i come from a multicultural country, Mauritius, multicultural experiences in another country is always a different feeling. Since childhood, i have been traveling to different countries as my family is in tourism business. However, i must say that visiting a country as a tourist and staying in a foreign country as a citizen differ greatly especially when experiencing different cultures. My first real experience of international culture was around 10 years back when i moved to London to study Accounting. I made many friends of different cultures in the university and even the lecturers were from different cultures. I could clearly see the different teaching methods my lecturers

Competence on RDI

13 November 2018 Competence on RDI 1. Dominators: How can a teacher a) find research communities, b) journals suitable for publication and c) participate in the development of his/her own field? What would be the best options for your group? Also, have you already done RDI, written & published articles, innovated, visited seminars and symposiums (perhaps in the role of a speaker)? Are all journals equally valuable as a publishing platform? 2. A) EduWarriors: A) What are the current RDI –trends in your field and education? Where can one find information about them? Show examples. 2. B) Considering Finnish universities (and universities of applied sciences), how do they benefit from the publications written by their teachers? 3. Paw Patrol: What are the skills and ethical principles required in the RDI? How do you develop those skills? What about “predatory” journals and publishers (ethical point-of-view)? Prezi link:

RDI - Individual work

What is the policy towards RDI in various Finnish educational organisations (such as adult institutes, universities of applied sciences, universities, vocational schools, secondary schools, primary schools), ie. how much time can teachers and staff devote to RDI? Is RDI important or non-existent in your own organisation? All institutes in Finland have a strategic plan which normally is planned for the next 5 years. The strategy is planned with different actors. The main ones are: 1. being the city where the institute is 2. the need of the city 3. higher management decision. Normally, the amount of RDI resource allocated at adult institutes and universities of applied sciences are about the same. They are around 50 hours for each staff. This can be more or less depending on the field the teaching staff is. This hours can be put under the personal development of the teacher. The total number of hours a teacher has to teach per year according to legislation